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How to Update

If deployed on Vercel

When your forked repository is out of date, you can sync it with the original repository according to the picture below:
After that, vercel will redeploy automatically.

If deployed with Docker

  1. Assuming the directory on your server is ~/subconv. Enter the directory.
  2. Stop the service with docker compose down.
  3. Pull the latest image with docker compose pull.
  4. Check the Release page to see if there are any configuration items that need to be updated. If not, skip steps 5-6.
  5. Backup the config.yaml file, then delete the original config.yaml file.
  6. Run docker compose run --rm subconv -G default > config.yaml to generate the default configuration file. Then modify the new config.yaml file according to the backup config.yaml file.
  7. Start the service with docker compose up -d.

If deployed on your VPS (binary file)

  1. Stop the subconv process.
  2. Download the latest binary file from Releases. Delete the original api file and static folder, then unzip the new file into it. Grant the api file executable permission.
  3. Check the Release page to see if there are any configuration items that need to be updated. If not, skip steps 4-6.
  4. Backup the config.yaml file, then delete the original config.yaml file.
  5. Run ./api -G default > config.yaml to generate the default configuration file.
  6. Modify the new config.yaml file according to the backup config.yaml file.
  7. Run the program again.

Released under the MPL-2.0 License.